Armour Piercing Rounds

The nation’s police forces should be the first to rally behind a federal proposal to ban the sale and manufacture of the 5.56-millimeter steel-core bullet. The bullet can be used in newly adapted handguns to provide lethal force to pierce the vests and body armor used by law enforcement officers.

Until now, the powerful “M855 green tip” bullet has been legal for use in AR-15 semiautomatic rifles, typically used by target shooters and hunters. But the gun industry’s reckless development of new handguns that use the bullet — criminals prefer handguns over rifles — has led the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to sensibly propose banning it in the name of greater gun safety.


Predictably, the gun lobby is marshaling gun owners and legislative allies to oppose the ban, falsely accusing the Obama administration of exceeding its authority through some backdoor attempt at gun control. The law, however, is clear: Armor-piercing handgun ammunition has been banned since 1986, and the firearms agency has the responsibility to regulate the law’s enforcement. The pending proposal is open to the standard 30-day public comment period (at until March 16. After that, a final decision will be up to the attorney general’s office.

M2 Ap Armor Piercing Penetration Tests

Police forces very much need the ban if officers are not to be exposed to a heightened threat to their lives. Two years ago, President Obama was rebuffed by Congress in his plea for stronger gun safety laws after the schoolhouse massacre of 20 children in Connecticut.

He promised further action on the issue, and a ban on armor-piercing bullets in handguns would be a major demonstration of the nation’s resolve to protect the police. The proposal would allow rifle owners to use up the lead-and-steel bullets they have already bought, and pure lead bullets of the same caliber would remain on the market.

This should be rejected out of hand, and the House should focus instead on a bipartisan proposal from Representatives Peter King, Republican of New York, and Mike Thompson, Democrat of California, to extend background checks on gun buyers, under the provision known as the Brady law, by closing a loophole that ignores sales online and at gun shows. The proposal, strongly supported by the public, drew 188 co-sponsors in the last Congress. It deserves enactment unhindered by the political machinations of the gun lobby.

Proposal: Banning Armor Piercing Bullets For The Public

A version of this article appears in print on  , Section SR, Page 10 of the New York edition with the headline: Protect the Police From Armor-Piercing Bullets. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | SubscribeThe .30 caliber (7.62 mm) armor-piercing bullet on the right has a copper jacket closing a harded petrator, but externally resembles the other four lead-core bullets.

Armor-piercing bullets for rifle and handgun cartridges are designed to petrate ballistic armor and protective shields intded to stop or deflect convtional bullets. Although bullet design is an important factor with regard to armor petration, the ability of any giv projectile to petrate ballistic armor increases with increasing velocity. Rifle cartridges typically discharge bullets at higher muzzle velocity than handgun cartridges due to larger propellant charge. However, ev the same cartridge (one that is interchangeable betwe specific rifles and handguns) fired from a rifle will, in almost all common cases, have a higher velocity than wh fired from a handgun. This is due to the longer period of acceleration available within the longer gun barrel of rifles, which allow adequate time for the propellant to fully ignite before the projectile exits the barrel. For this reason, bullets fired from rifles may be more capable of piercing armor than similar or idtical bullets fired from handguns.

In addition, a small-caliber bullet has higher sectional dsity than a larger-caliber bullet of the same weight, and thus is more capable of defeating body armor.

Armor Piercing Ammo Hi Res Stock Photography And Images

Armor-piercing bullets typically contain a harded steel, tungst, or tungst carbide petrator cased within a copper or cupronickel jacket, similar to the jacket which would surround lead in a convtional projectile. The petrator is a pointed mass of high-dsity material designed to retain its shape and carry the maximum possible amount of ergy as deeply as possible into the target. The tire projectile is not normally made of the same material as the petrator because the hard metals of good petrators would damage the barrel of the gun firing the bullet. Impact velocity of the copper jacket may temporarily soft the face of the armor and cushion the impact to avoid breaking the brittle petrator. The petrator th slides out of the jacket to continue forward through the armor.


Handgun bullets made tirely of lead have less petration ability than jacketed bullets at similar velocity. In the 1930s, Western Cartridge Company introduced .38 Special ammunition capable of firing a 158-grain (10.2 g) copper-tipped lead-alloy bullet at 1, 125 feet (343 m) per second to petrate sheet-metal automobile doors.

As higher velocity handgun cartridges became available and jacketed bullets became more common in handgun cartridges, armor petration was improved with thicker bullet jackets or bullets made tirely of jacket material like copper or brass. Later designs used petrator cores similar to rifle designs.

U.s. Bullets May Be Ill Suited For New Wars

Subsequt regulations requiring gre bullets couraged replacing lead core bullets with M855A1 military bullets with a copper jacket over a steel core, The 3 Fedayeen members of Jaish-e-Mohammed who attacked the CRPF camp in Lethpora Village of Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama District on December 31, 2017 used steel-core armor piercing bullets in Kalashnikovs and grenades with the ability to penetrate body armor. This is the first time terrorists have used these types of bullets in India.

One member of CRPF was killed when incoming rounds pierced his bulletproof shield. “While the attacker was killed by CRPF personnel, one man was lost, ” according to CRPF Inspector General Ravideep Sahi when speaking to India Today.


The steel penetrator, which is usually surrounded by a copper jacket, is a pointed mass of hardened material of high-density that keeps it shape while striking a target at maximum velocity and energy.

What Is Armor Piercing Ammunition, Really?

CRFP personnel were shocked to see the bullets penetrating their heavily reinforced metal bunker vehicle, which they often use when facing these types of encounters.

“It’s true that our Assistant Commandant was sitting in his armored vehicle when it was fired at by terrorists, ” said the CRPF Director General, RR Bhatnager.

Although Bhatnager acknowledged they faced a new issue, he remains confident in the fighting ability of the CRPF. “This will definitely have some impact, but because our men are professionals, they will still continue to fight effectively.”


Defeating Armor Piercing Bullets With Level 4 Body Armor

The type of bullets being fired in the attack in Pulwama, which are currently being forensically tested outside the state, are causing alarm in security circles.

“This is certainly problematic. We plan on analyzing the forensic results very carefully and take the appropriate action, ” a top Jammu and Kashmir police officer explained to India Today while asking to remain anonymous.

The Obama administration in 2015 did not ban armor piercing bullets as a result of the extreme opposition expressed by lobbyists, the NRA, gun owners, and powerful members of Congress.

Armour Piercing Ammunition

These green-tipped bullets are able to easily penetrate the lightweight body armour most commonly used by law enforcement personnel in the U.S.


The 1986 U.S. Law Enforcement Officer Protection Act clearly states that importing, manufacturing and/or distributing armor-piercing ammunition is unlawful unless its intended and primary purpose is for sport.

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Can Civilians Own Armor Piercing Rounds?