How To Get A Smiley Piercing In

Do you want to get your mouth pierced? If you enjoy piercings, you do! This year, a smiley piercing took the honorable first place among the trendiest oral piercings! This is why we've done the legwork for you and found out everything you need to know about this amazing type of piercings.

So, essentially, what is a smiley piercing? Often referred to as the frenulum piercing, the smiley piercing is a piercing type that suggests puncturing the flap of tissue that joins the inside of your upper lip to your upper gum. The name comes from the fact that this piercing gets visible when you grin. It has become a popular choice for those who desire a piercing that they can hide because it's usually hidden unless purposely revealed.


In case you have problems finding it, put your tongue straight up in front of your teeth while keeping your lips closed. Between your lips and your gums, there should be a delicate line of skin. That's the frenulum you're looking for. Like other mouth piercings (lip and tongue piercings), smiley piercings are particularly delicate and difficult to maintain. So, make sure you're prepared to commit.

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No matter how attractive a smiley piercing can be, it comes with a set of advantages and downsides that you should be aware of before committing to it.

Does a smiley piercing hurt? That is one of the most common facts that you would be eager to learn before scheduling a visit to the salon. Surely, it does since it is still an incision into the flesh of your mouth. Yet, the smiley piercing pain is often described as mild. It is 4 on a 10-point scale. While that seems tolerable, you should also recall your personal reactions to pain. Some people are incredibly sensitive to pain, and the procedure may even feel excruciating.

Other people believe that because the frenulum is tiny and extra soft, this form of piercing is less painful than others. In fact, piercings done through thicker skin are, on average, less uncomfortable than piercings done in the mucous membrane. So, when you pierce your frenulum, get ready to feel a searing pain, which will pass quickly. Also, smiley piercing pain may vary depending on the type of piercing jewelry that you choose. Piercing specialists from Los Angeles agree that piercings performed first are the least painful, while piercings performed last can be deeply painful.

Smiley Piercing: Everything You Need To Know Before Getting One

Keep in mind that your lip will swell after the procedure, and that will add up to the general discomfort to deal with. What is more, an infected smiley piercing will surely hurt much more than the piercing process itself.

As has already been mentioned above, bacteria thrive in your mouth as a result of what you eat and drink. Bacteria can also be passed from person to person by smoking, kissing or other oral activities. They can get into the piercing site and cause infection. The symptoms of an infected smiley piercing may include swelling, pain and sometimes burning or itching. The first step in avoiding infection is to have your frenulum pierced by a professional rather than doing it yourself. Therefore, be sure to check if your piercer is using properly sanitized instruments. This is always a consideration, but when it comes to oral piercings, where bacteria are already a major concern, you need to make sure your smiley piercing is properly set up.

The jewelry that is generally used for smiley piercing is 18 gauge (1mm) to 16 gauge (1.2mm) in thickness. Small diameter circular barbells, as well as short length curved barbells, are all great small smiley piercing options available in every piercing studio. However, in this section, we want to focus on more specific festive smiley piercing jewelry:

Want To Get A Smiley Piercing? Here's Everything You Need To Know

1. Vampire smiley piercing is a curved barbell with fangs at the ends, 18mm in size. It's important to choose the right piercing position before you opt for vampire smiley piercing because when you don't laugh, it’s best to reveal a few teeth, and when you do laugh, the best effect is to show all of your teeth, so try to make the piercing position a bit higher.


2. Smiley piercing fangs are usually done on both sides for a symmetrical and true wolfman-like impression, but they can also be done on one side only, just like any other piercing. Fang smiley piercing is also called Dracula Nail because it is pierced in the position between the top of the lip and the top of the gum. It is also worth noting that long-term wear is not recommended for any smiley fang piercing.

4. Septum smiley piercing is a combination of a standard septum piercing that goes through the septum of your nose, often known as the space between your nostrils, and a smiley (frenulum) piercing. This combination is not only fashionable right now, but it also looks amazing on your face. You practically align two piercings, which produces a sort of focal point and symmetry in some way. Here's a life hack for you: select jewelry pieces that match rather than stand out.

Smiley Piercing 101: What It Is And How To Wear It

Fake smiley piercing. Nose and nose rings and BCR septum lip piercing are examples of a fake smiley piercing. Just like real piercing jewelry, they can be made of stainless steel, silicone, acrylic or titanium. Classic, punk and sexy are all popular styles of fake smiling piercing.

Low-carbon surgical stainless steel is appropriate for body and smiley piercings because, despite containing alloys, they are held in the metal and not liberated through a particular process. Despite the fact that surgical steel is generally hypoallergenic, inflammation might nonetheless occur. Also, note that the only piercing-friendly types of surgical steel are 316L and 316LVM.


Another important question to consider is how much is a smiley piercing. The average cost of a smiley piercing varies between $30 and $100. Some studios have a separate price for jewelry. Also, consider a tip for your piercer, which should be at least 20%, and inquire with your piercer about any charges associated with aftercare, like a saline solution, etc.

I Got My Smiley Piercing One Week Ago. Does It Look Okay? Still Seems Kinda Swollen To Me But Only Hurts Sometimes

Despite how small smiley piercing looks, it takes a fair share of time for it to heal properly. Your personal body healing process will have the final word on the matter. However, the experts point out that it usually takes around 4 to 12 weeks for the piercing to heal well. It is unadvised to change the smiley piercing rings during the healing process.

On top of that, professional pierces can’t stop emphasizing that proper aftercare is critical when it comes to the healing time of any piercing, and tour smiley wouldn’t be an exception. Clean your piercing daily according to the instructions that the piercing expert has given you, and you will enjoy your new body modification to the fullest.

Proper aftercare is crucial during the smiley piercing healing process. It is imperative that you clean your piercing on a regular basis to avoid infections and injury. Follow the instructions listed below to ensure that your piercing heals quickly:


Smiley Piercing: Dentist Pov

Now, when you are through with all the smiley piercing pros and cons, you may want to learn how long it will last. Most mouth piercings differ in that regard, but you should realize that your personal body peculiarities have a say on the matter too. If you decide to take the piercing out, a smiley will heal completely within weeks as opposed to a lip piercing, for instance.

However, smiley piercings are often named the least-lasting options there are. On average, such a piercing can hold in for about a year, and your body may reject it. Despite typical smiley piercing rejection cases, there are instances when such piercings last years and decades.

Use mouthwash after each meal to keep the piercing area clean. Sometimes it’s a good idea to remove mouth piercings to protect your teeth and gums from damage. For example, if you are playing sports or live an active life, it’s better not to wear piercings.

Pc Vampire Tiger Zahn Dekorationen Lip Ring Edelstahl Septum Smiley Piercing In Mund Cosplay Fangs Zombie Körper Schmuck

You cannot kiss with smiley earrings during the first healing, but once it’s healed, you can kiss as much as you want. Remember that kissing of any kind can make your smiley piercings move and sometimes even hurt during healing.


It’s better not to change the jewelry until the piercing is completely healed (which may take up to 3 months). Your piercer can make sure if it is safe to replace it and do it for you.If you're looking for a quirky piercing to give you a new lease of life... allow us to point you in the direction of the smiley piercing - which makes the infamous tongue piercingseem like old news (sorry Mum and Dad). Completely different from traditional piercingslike those around the ear, the smiley is located in the mouth (nowhere near the cheeks or dimples if you were thinking otherwise). It's a piercing that will get you noticed when you smile, but can easily be covered with your top lip once your mouth is closed. If you're considering this unique piercing, we have a full guide of everything you need to know below.

What is

Cool Smiley Piercing Ideas That Make You Look More Attractive