Nose Piercing Hindi Meaning

In, Indian culture, nose piercing is an important custom and is followed by Indian women. Wearing a nose pin or nose ring as an ornament is believed to uplift one's beauty, however, there are some beliefs and legends also associated with this tradition.

In the Hindu religion, there is no strict restriction on wearing the nose stud as in the case of a mangalsutra. Therefore, both married as well as unmarried women can wear a nose stud. But why do Indian women wear nose rings? Let us explore.


The significance of wearing nose rings differs from region to region. Generally, the nose stud or 'nath' is worn by the bride on the day of her marriage according to Hindu customs. There are many beliefs prevalent about the advent of nose rings in Indian culture.

What Does The Nose Ring Mean In Indian Culture?

According to some of these beliefs, the custom of wearing nose rings originated in the middle east and it supposedly came to India during the Mughal era in the 16th century. Besides this, we also find mentioned, the health benefits of wearing nose rings in the ancient Ayurvedic text, Sushruta Samhita. Whatever be the story of its origin, wearing nose rings or nose piercing is an important custom which is followed by Indian women. In Hindu religion, there is no strict restriction on wearing the nose stud as in the case of a Mangalsutra. Therefore, both married as well as unmarried women can wear a nose stud.This custom is not only prevalent among Hindu women but also among women of other religions as well.

Generally, wearing nose rings is seen as a symbol of being married in many cultures across India. In Hinduism, the nose ring of a woman is removed at the death of her husband. Also, it is preferred that girls should get their nose pierced at the age of 16 which is traditionally the marriageable age. It is also seen as a way of paying respect and honour to Goddess Parvati, who is the Goddess of marriage.

It is preferred that women wear nose rings on the left nostril since the nerves leading from the left nostril are associated with the female reproductive organs. Piercing the nose at this position helps in easing childbirth.

Nose Piercing Left Side Meaning: The Ultimate Guide

According to Ayurveda, piercing the nose near a particular node on the nostril helps in lessening the pain during monthly periods in women. Hence, girls as well as older women are supposed to wear nose rings.

According to popular beliefs, the directly exhaled air of the wife affects the health of the husband. So, if the woman wears a nose ring, the air comes through an obstruction of the metal which apparently does not have any bad health effects. This is mostly a superstition which is popular in the eastern parts of India.

Apart from the significance and benefits, a nose ring is now a fashionable accessory too. Available in so many different and beautiful designs, it just adds to the beauty of every woman.Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world.

Types Of Nose Piercings

Curious to know what people were wondering about Hindus and Hinduism, I went to Google and entered some prompts. For example, I typed “Why do Hindus” and then paused to see what questions would come up. I’m going to be doing a series of answers for Google to help people get their most pressing questions answered. First up…


Elaborate decoration of Hindu women (well, brides in particular) is a tradition from ancient times. Hindu women often have many beautiful pieces of jewelry. In ancient times and still through modern times for some people, a woman’s wedding jewelry was hers to keep while everything else became her husband’s. A woman’s family would provide her with expensive jewelry as a form of savings account. If times were hard, a woman always had valuable jewelry she could sell if she needed help.

A nose ring is also one of the several symbols of a married woman. In some regions a girl’s nose is pierced once she is “of marriageable age” and marks her as ready for a husband. (Not every region uses nose rings. There are plenty of Hindus who do not have that as a tradition).

The Significance Of Wearing A Nath For All Indian Brides

There is another reason for the nose ring. As part of Ayurveda, ancient Indian medicine (which is still practiced today), it is believed that a hole in a woman’s left nostril relieves some of the pain in childbirth.

However, the side of the piercing (or if piercing both sides or the center) depends on region and community. I’m told that generally the left side is common in North India and the right side is common in South India.


I’ve often found it amusing that something like a nose piercing could be seen so very differently depending on the culture. In America piercing one’s nose is seen as an act of rebellion against one’s parents. It’s seen as improper and “wild.” In India, nose piercing is a deeply traditional choice and shows a respect to one’s heritage and family. I’ve heard young Hindu American friends talk about their grandmothers being very distraught that they had not pierced their noses. My family was less than thrilled when I pierced mine!In general, wearing of nose rings is considered as an ancient practice in India. Wearing of nose rings is considered as a good act, and most of the women believe, that by wearing the holy nose rings, their lives and their life partner’s lives would go stronger.

Samudrik Shastra: नाक पर तिल वाली महिलाएं पति के लिए होती हैं भाग्यशाली, जीवनसाथी का हो जाता है भाग्योदय

In Hinduism, in some communities, the nose ring of a woman is removed after the death of her husband.Wearing of nose ring is also believed as an act of honouring the Goddess Ma Shakti Devi, who is considered as the Goddess of marriage.

But there is no compulsion of nose piercing for Indian women. At the present situation, some girls are disinterested to pierce their nose, by telling the reason, that it is an ancient practice, which didn’t suits for them in the present day world. Modern girls are ignoring the ancient practice of nose piercing, since some of them might feel some uneasiness in their nose.

But some women, who strictly follow the Indian traditions, would pierce their nose, by believing that it is the instruction given to them by Ma Shakti Devi. If we see the practice of nose piercing from scientific point of view, it would give good resistance to the body of women, and blood circulation levels also would be properly flown in their body.


Here Is Why Women Should Wear Nose Pin On The Left Side

If we see the pictures of the goddess like Parvati, Lakshmi and Saraswati, their nose would be pierced with golden nose rings. As per our holy texts, the divine celestial dancers in the heaven also would pierce their nose with beautiful nose rings, since it would add more beauty to them.

Still some Village Indian women used to consider their nose rings similar to the holy Mangalsutra, and treat it as a sacred object. In general, by wearing of nose rings, the women’s beauty would be added, and she would appear similar to Ma Shakti Devi. But it all depends on the mentality of the women, their nature, and their living habits.