Conch Piercing For Chronic Pain

There’s lots of conflicting information out there about whether piercings can help with headaches and other bodily pain. I’ve had a lot of piercings done, and I can say there’s definitely something to the idea—but how much and how effective it is, that’s different from person to person. Acupuncture is an ancient medical practice using pressure points to treat various problems across the body. The ear, with over 300 acupressure points, definitely affects the rest of the body when the right pressure is applied. When you pierce the area, it gets stimulated all day with a tiny bit of pressure depending on your earring.

Well, that depends on what you feel you’d like to experiment with. There are those who believe you can relieve many forms of pain, such as menstrual cramps, by piercing the corresponding area on the ear—in this case, the rook. Or there are those who believe insomnia can be helped with piercing the upper ear, such as with a helix piercing. Here is a list of what I’ve learned:


This pressure point is often used to release anxiety. Since the stress of daily life that is a common cause of migraines, there may be a benefit in this pressure point towards lowering how anxious one feels.

Conch Piercings: How Much They Hurt, Cost, And What They Look Like

Acupuncturists say putting pressure on this tiny area can help control sugar cravings. Lowering one’s appetite, especially when stress-eating, can definitely play a role in trying to lose weight.

When getting acupuncture, this area is commonly used for people who are constantly feeling tense. The muscle relaxing affects can help you de-stress and lower the tight tension caused by daily pressures.

Some acupuncturists have said that focusing on this portion of the ear can fix the flow of energy associated with stress. As a woman, I feel the regular pain of menstrual cramps is somewhat lessened when I get the right pressure points activated on my body. Perhaps this will also work for you!

On Pins And Needles”

Do you have problems sleeping? Some acupuncturists say that this area will help cure this. By applying the right amount of pressure, it may help you calm your nerves and relax when going to bed.

There are those who claim that they felt better after getting this area pierced. I can personally say I always feel happier and more confident whenever I get a new piercing—perhaps this is the pressure point that will work for you?

I get hayfever in the summer, so I have sympathy for anyone who also suffers allergies every year. Some acupuncturists say that the top of the ear can help lessen the allergic reaction. Do you suffer from the constant sneezing when the seasons change? Maybe this is the area to look into.

The Ultimate Guide To Conch Piercings

Everyone is different, however, and this would be something you’d have to try for yourself and see. Never be afraid to experiment!

Hello, I found this site recently. I wanted to find out about ear pressure points and if you could use earrings on them. Your page is very interesting on the pressure points. I found some earrings and put them on certain points. I don’t have any piercings, but have clip ons and cuffs. Your pictures, diagrams are great to use. Please no need to post this, but you can email me.The popularity of conch piercing is growing day after day, which comes as no surprise. This is a great way to stand out in the crowd and express your individuality. If you only consider getting your conch pierced, then you may have a lot of questions and doubts. No worries. Our guide will back you up. We have covered every aspect that you need to know before venturing out for a conch ear piercing, from what it is to the most popular jewelry options. So, study it carefully and get ready to upgrade your curated ear.

If you have no idea of what is a conch piercing, we will give you a quick heads up. This is a piercing type where you get the inside of your ear pierced. Because it looks like the shell of a conch, this ear part is referred to as a conch. And when you puncture it with a needle and insert an earring into the hole, it is called a conch piercing. Unlike other types of piercing, it can be customized in a wide variety of ways. A conch ear piercing may imply a piercing in either or both parts of your conch – outer and/or inner. The choice usually depends on the ear shape you have and your personal preference.


Auricular Acupuncture Or Piercings?

When you get the ear middle pierced and insert a stud in it, it is referred to as the inner conch piercing. If your lower part of the cartilage is punctured, it is known as the outer conch piercing, which usually calls for a conch piercing hoop. When your ear anatomy allows for enough room on both parts of your ear, you can get a double conch piercing.

Because there are so many conch piercing jewelry options on the market nowadays, you may find choosing the right earring a bit overwhelming. The main things that you should consider are the shape of the earring, the material it is made of and the price. For your convenience, we have broken down all the necessary information about how to choose jewelry for piercing.

When it comes to the conch piercing material, you are offered multiple options as well. Here are the most common of them:

Types Of Ear Piercings + Pain & Healing Times

There are conch piercings choices for every price point, from quite budget friendly to high priced. When calculating the price, you should factor in both the cost of the service and the jewelry. The service price, in its turn, may vary depending on the level of expertise of the piercer, the location of the salon, the number of piercings you want to get, etc. That said, an average conch piercings price ranges between $40 and $100.

If you are worried that conch piercing pain will be intolerable, it is very individual. It greatly depends on your pain threshold. As a conch piercing implies puncturing the cartilage, not soft tissue, it will hurt more than when getting your lobes pierced. However, if you compare it to the helix piercing, the pain from conch piercings will be more or less the same.


As the piercer will push the needle through your conch, there will be a pressing and acute pain in it. During the first few days of the healing process, the ear will feel sore and the pain will be throbbing. To alleviate your suffering, experts advise avoiding sleeping on the side where you got the ear pierced and keeping your hands away from it during the day. Also, make sure to follow the piercer’s aftercare recommendations.

Ear Piercings As Acupuncture Therapy

Healing period. Of course, you want to know when you will be able to play around with different jewelry options and generally how soon your pierced conch will no longer hurt. So, how long does a conch piercing take to heal? According to UWHealth, an average conch healing time is between 6 and 9 months. Yet, depending on various factors, it can heal faster or longer.

Precautions and safety measures. The most effective way to aid the healing process is taking proper care of your piercing. It requires regular cleaning using a special solution (either soap or salt water). Also, do not touch it or otherwise move it, as it can easily get infected or traumatized.

The key to successful and fast healing is proper conch piercing aftercare. So, here are the main tips on how to take care of your freshly pierced conch:

In Love With Conch Piercings

Now that you have all the information about conch piercing, you should not worry about getting it. You know what they say, feel the fear but do it anyway. Just follow the tips we have given you above and it will not take long until you will be able to flaunt a new piercing in your conch.


Move your ear around and feel it. The cartilage in the conch is thicker and harder than the cartilage in the rest of your ear, which means this piercing will hurt a bit more than piercings in other parts of your body, such as your earlobe.

For side sleepers, it’s better not to sleep the piercing side until it is completely healed. Many piercers agree that sleeping on piercings can cause irritation and slow down the healing process. So, it is recommended to lie on your back with or without conch piercings.

Conch Piercing: Everything You Need To Know

Conch piercing is reportedly targeted at acupuncture points that help relax the muscle. In addition, these clam piercings are associated with the ability to manage chronic pain.Chronic pain is a hard slog. I don’t like to complain about it, but it’s a fact of life for me, courtesy of both Fibromyalgia and a degenerative condition in my spine. Living with pain and the exhaustion it causes isn’t easy. “Faking it” in order to appear as though one is living life normally can be just as exhausting as the pain itself.

It’s easy to take medications and think that you’re doing all you