How To Remove My Belly Button Piercing

Are you itching to change your belly ring? You might be thinking it’s a complicated process to remove your belly ring for the first time. It’s quite simple, as long as you follow a few guidelines.

If you’ve waited the proper amount of time, three months to one year, and you don’t have an infection, scabbing, or pus, it should be okay to remove the jewelry.


It should also be pretty easy to remove the belly ring and change it out for a new one as long as the inner tunnel has healed up nicely.

The Belly Button Piercing

If your piercing has completely healed, the ring should slide easily up and down before you attempt to take it out. If it’s not sliding easily, have patience — you probably haven’t completely healed and you shouldn’t continue your attempt to remove the jewelry. Your piercing will recover in the proper time for your body, and you’ll minimize the effects of inflammation or swelling by waiting.

Another indication your piercing is healed is that the discharge around the piercing has ceased. This is not a sure-fire way to gauge if the piercing is healed but is a good sign that all is well.

When a piercing is finally healed, the edges of the piercing holes will be smooth. As healing occurs, they start to pull inward.

How To Get Rid Of Belly Button Piercing Scar. My 6 Month Old Belly Piercing Was Previously Infected. It Has Now Healed, Almost Completely I Believe, But I Can't Seem To Get

Wash your hands with hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohol and warm water before you begin. Dry your hands thoroughly with a clean paper towel. Any residue from soap or sanitizer may irritate your piercing when taking out your belly ring.

Screw the ball off the current ring and carefully slide the ring out by gently pulling from the bottom. Replace the ball on the ring and set it aside. It’s always a good idea to disinfect the ring with alcohol after you take it out if you want to keep using it in the future.

If you feel any pain or discomfort, don’t tear the ring away from your skin. This may cause infection. If you feel like it’s not coming out easily, see your piercer or doctor to help you take it out. Keep in mind you need to do everything safely to avoid complications.

When Is It Safe To Change Your Belly Button Ring For The First Time?

When you’re having trouble removing the ring, you might want to lie down. Sometimes this can facilitate the process easily and quickly. Lay back on a bed or on the floor and allow the stomach to become flat. Carefully slide the ring through the piercing and take it out.

If you have to pull and tug at your belly ring to take it out, it’s most likely not healed properly. You may cause significant damage to your skin by forcing it out, and this can cause future permanent scarring.

If you see redness or swelling around your piercing or any kind of discharge, immediately see your piercer or doctor to find out how to proceed.

How To Remove A Navel Piercing

Never use a towel to dry your hands after you’ve washed them. Bacteria from the towel can get on your hands and cause an infection in your piercing.

Once you’ve taken out the ring, make sure you replace it immediately. Sometimes, a new piercing can close in minutes, so make sure you have your new ring on stand-by – you don’t want to be going down the shop to get the area re-pierced. Ensure the new ring has been disinfected and is ready to be replaced in the piercing.


When you’ve replaced your current ring, make sure you look at your belly ring every day to check if there are signs of infection or swelling.

How To Clean A Belly Button Piercing

Keep using your after-care routine as you would when you first got your piercing. Replacing a piercing is similar to having a new piercing, so to avoid any problems, be careful with your new replacement piercing. Use a saline solution to keep the area clean.

The best aftercare product I’ve personally used is the After Inked Piercing Aftercare Spray. Not only is it vegan, but it’s also completely alcohol and additive-free. The solution works well on all skin types including sensitive skin, and it comes in a generously-sized mist-spraying bottle for easy application. When using it from the very start of the healing process, the spray helps to decrease healing times and aims to eliminate any lingering pain or soreness.​

After you’ve replaced the ring, wipe the surrounding area with rubbing alcohol or sanitizer. This will ensure that the area is disinfected and reduce the chance of developing any kind of infection.

Belly Button Piercing

Taking out your belly ring should be painless and easy. If it doesn’t feel easy, then it isn’t a good idea to take it out. The skin around the piercing should look normal and free of any redness or swelling.

The most important thing is to keep the area, and your hands, free of any bacteria, and you should have no problem taking out your belly ring to replace it.Belly button piercing repair is performed under local anaesthetic in patient who would like to close the hole from their belly button piercing.


The belly button piercing repair is a procedure to close the hole that is made when you have your belly button pierced.  There was a trend for belly button piercings years ago and many people have subsequently removed the belly button bars or accessories.  There is a hole left behind from the tract created from the piercing.  The piercing leaves a hole above the belly button and on the upper inner part of the belly button.  This procedure helps to close the holes caused by belly button piercings.

Getting A Belly Button Piercing? Here's What To Know

The belly button piercing repair is a minor surgical procedure performed under local anaesthetic.  The surgeon will inject the area to make it numb before the procedure.  Our experienced surgeon will then remove the piercing tract underneath the skin.  The surgeon will then suture the skin together with stitches.  There will be a scar just above the belly button and on the upper inner part of the belly button where the piercing holes used to be.

This belly button or umbilical surgery is used to repair the tract and holes made during a belly button piercing.  The procedure is performed in our CQC registered clinic by our plastic surgeons.  The holes from your existing piercing are closed.  This is similar to having an earlobe repair procedure.

The belly button repair surgery is performed under local anaesthetic.  The procedure involves removing the existing piercing tract and   suturing the old piercing holes closed. The potential risks with the procedure include:

Navel Piercing And Pregnant Bellies

It is normal to get some swelling after any treatment and this usually takes a few days to settle.  This is often due to the local anaesthetic that is injected.  Some patients may also experience bruising or bleeding which is can be related to medication being taken.  Some medicines such as aspirin and herbal supplements can increase your risk of bleeding and bruising.

When we perform any surgery there will be permanent scars.  This procedure will result in permanent scars where the piercing holes used to be.  In some individuals, scars may become red, lumpy or raised which is sometimes referred to as hypertrophic or keloid scars.


Most people should heal without any problems but in some individuals there may be wound healing issues.  These people will often have an underlying issue that results in delayed healing or risks factors such as smoking.

How To Safely Keep A Belly Button Piercing During Pregnancy

It is very uncommon to experience any problems when having a procedure under local anaesthetic.  Extremely rarely, patients may have an allergic reaction to the local anaesthesia.

Any surgical procedure can result in change in sensation to the skin in the surrounding area.  This is due to some of the sensory nerve being cut during the procedure.  This change in sensation may be permanent or temporary.

The procedure is performed as an outpatient day case operation so you come to the clinic and leave following it.  You will have some stitches in the wound.  The sutures are usually dissolvable and will fall out after about 2 weeks. Some people are happy to return to work immediately or the following day.and the iPod shuffle, you probably toyed with the idea of getting your belly button pierced. Maybe you even booked a Friday-afternoon appointment at your local tattoo shop and actually went through with it. But what happens if you decide after a few years (okay, maybe a full decade) that you want to take it out?

When Can I Change My Belly Piercing? Healing Time Explained

Unfortunately, it can be more complicated that just sliding the surgical steel hoop out of its naval hole. If the piercing has been infected or the skin is permanently stretched, you could be left with a saggy physical reminder of the year 2008. However, there's a simple fix: belly-button piercing removal surgery — which is a mouthful, yes, but we have a clearcut breakdown of the procedure featured in this week's episode of

The subject of this video is Jacyln Rose, a young woman who got her belly button pierced back in high school. Now, 12 years later, she's still dealing with significant post-infection scarring and pus. First of all, I hate the way that it looks, like a big ugly hole in the middle of my stomach,
