Infected Piercing On Belly Button

You finally got your belly button pierced after months of thinking about adding some body bling. That cute little ring decorating your tummy looks fantastic, too.

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Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for the skin around your piercing. Infections or some other icky complication can affect nearly 1 of 4 body piercings away from the earlobe, research shows.

Is My Belly Button Piercing Healing Or Infected? If It's Healing, Why Is It Taking So Long? Had It For 8 Months

So, how can you tell if your belly button piercing is infected? And how should you treat that festering hole? For answers, we turn to family physician Simon Hodes, MB ChB.

Let’s start with the basics: Even when a belly button piercing goes well, you can expect some tenderness, redness and even crusting at the spot for 12 to 18 months. After all, you did just put a hole through your skin and into your body.

“While earlobe piercing is very common and usually straightforward, your belly button is probably an area of your body that doesn’t really want to be pierced, ” says Dr. Hodes. “So, if you’re going to do it, make sure you’re in it for the long haul.”

Infected Belly Button Piercing: Cleaning Tips & More

It can take up to a year or longer for the “wound” from a belly button piercing to fully heal, explains Dr. Hodes. That’s a lengthy timeframe that extends your risk of eventually getting some sort of infection.

Why does it take so long? Think of all the bending, twisting and stretching your midsection does during the day. All of that movement doesn’t exactly help speed along your body’s repair process.

“The healing process is not quick, ” notes Dr. Hodes. “An infection can flare up a long time after the initial piercing is done. So, good hygiene and belly ring care are essential from Day 1 to reduce the risks of problems.”

Infected Belly Button: 5 Ways To Tell And What To Do About It

(On that note, think carefully about getting a belly button piercing if you’re considering a pregnancy in the next 18 months, says Dr. Hodes. New piercings can be problematic and often need to be removed as your stomach stretches.)

So, how do you know when trouble arrives? Here are four telltale signs that dirt or bacteria may have entered your pierced navel and caused an infection.

Swelling from an infected piercing can range from an annoying irritation to an abscess (or pocket of pus). The spot may feel warm to the touch, too. “There’s a whole spectrum of infection seen, from minor local skin infection to more severe infections that may require drainage, ” says Dr. Hodes.

Is My Belly Piercing Infected/rejecting?

An infection can lead to bright red marks or discoloration on your skin. “It’s the sort of change that will be noticeable.”

It’s generally not a good sign when a wound leaks pus. The discharge from an infected piercing could be yellow, green, gray, brown, white or bloody red. “If the ooze is smelly, then it’s more suggestive of an infection, ” says Dr. Hodes.

Although rare from a piercing, an infection that takes root and rages could leave you with a fever and chills. In extreme cases, your body’s response to the infection could lead to sepsis and a need for urgent medical attention.

Infected Belly Button Piercing: How To Identify And Treat An Infection

Red and itchy skin around a piercing also could signal an allergic reaction to whatever jewelry is now dangling from your midsection. “The symptoms can seem very similar to an infection, ” says Dr. Hodes.

In general, an allergic reaction to jewelry metal will more closely resemble hives or dry, itchy eczema patches. It’s also less likely to ooze.

“If you suspect an allergic reaction, you may want to try oral antihistamine or a topical hydrocortisone cream from your local pharmacy, ” advises Dr. Hodes. “If that doesn’t calm it down, consult a care professional.”


Healing An Infected Belly Piercing

Metals regarded as safe for body piercings include stainless steel, titanium or gold (14- or 18-karat). Jewelry made from lower-grade metals such as nickel, cobalt and chromates is more likely to cause issues. “However, people can react to any foreign material, ” he adds.

If you suspect an infection in your belly button piercing, it’s time to up your cleaning game. Your piercing should be cleaned twice a day. (That rule holds true whether it’s to prevent an infection or to treat one, too.)

“You need to commit to keeping your piercing clean from Day 1, ” Dr. Hodes reiterates. “If you don’t, it’s far more likely you could run into problems.”

Infected Navel Piercing

Don’t remove the jewelry if you suspect an infection, either — except on medical advice. “You want to leave it in place to keep the hole open if possible, ” directs Dr. Hodes.

Check in with a care provider if you really start to feel unwell or the swelling and redness refuse to go away (or get worse) even after you’ve tried a few home treatment options

“If you feel like the infection is spreading and progressing, it’s time to see someone, ” states Dr. Hodes. “Follow the golden rule of worry: If in doubt, check it out.”

Does My Belly Button Piercing Look Infected? Continued In Comments

Infections can take root in your belly button piercing even with the best of care. Again, anytime there’s an open wound on your body there’s a risk of something funky getting in and creating an issue.

Go into it with the understanding that a typical recovery period can be six months to a year, but that it may take as long as 18 months. Commit to cleaning the piercing at least twice a day, too.


“Just be careful about where you go to get your piercing and your long-term aftercare, ” cautions Dr. Hodes. “If you keep the piercing clean, odds are you’ll have no issues and will just be able to enjoy your new bling.”A white circle with a black border surrounding a chevron pointing up. It indicates 'click here to go back to the top of the page.'

How To Treat Your Infected Belly Button Piercing?

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Belly Button Infection Or Rejection??

Belly button piercings are a popular way to modify your body and show off your personal style, but they come with the risk of infection. Infected belly button piercings can be painful, unsightly, and dangerous if left untreated. That's why it's best to take good care of your piercing to prevent infection in the first place.

If your belly button is freshly pierced, it's normal to experience some redness and swelling around the piercing, says Howard Sobel MD, board-certified dermatologist at Sobel Skin and Clinical Attending Dermatologic Surgeon at Lenox Hill Hospital.

However, if the swelling becomes severe and is accompanied by pain that feels like soreness, this may be a sign of infection, Sobel says. Other symptoms that signal you may have an infection include:

How To Heal Infected Nose Piercing, Belly Button Piercing, And Ear Pie

Important: An infection tends to be constant pain and swollen with drainage of pus. An allergic reaction will be more itchy and sometimes look like a hive. Always use metals that are safe for your skin, like surgical steel, platinum, or solid 14 or 18 karat gold, says Sobel.


To treat an infected belly button piercing, it's important to keep the piercing in. You may be tempted to remove it, but if that happens, you risk the wound closing up and trapping the infection inside your body, Sobel says. Keeping the piercing in also allows any pus to drain.

You also need to make sure the area stays clean. Remember piercings are open wounds, so it's important to keep them clean while healing, says Sobel.

How To Treat An Irritated (or Infected) Belly Button Piercing

If the infection persists even after following these care tips, or if you're experiencing the more severe symptoms such as fever, chills, and upset stomach, you should see a doctor. Sobel says that in this case, you might need oral antibiotics to help clear up the infection.

If you leave infected piercings untreated, it can lead to a more serious infection, an abscess, or the infection spreading. Therefore, it's crucial that you take action if your piercing is infected.

There are steps you can take to care for your belly button piercing, especially when it's first healing. To maintain the health of your piercing, Sobel says you should:

Bellybutton Piercing Infection?

Compared to other piercings, belly button piercings have a long healing time. It can take up to nine months for this type of piercing to heal completely. However, you only need to avoid going in those bodies of water or