Noses That Shouldn'T Be Pierced

Perforating the nasal septum (septum piercing) is a prominent new trend in body modification. Even while some people find a pierced septum to be aesthetically pleasing, it’s important to weigh the benefits against the hazards before deciding to have one.

1. Potential Health Risks2. Healing Process and Aftercare3. Impact on Professional and Social Life4. Permanent Effects on the Nasal Structure5. Personal ConsiderationsConclusion


This post will discuss some factors to consider before getting a septum piercing. If you take the time to learn about these factors, you can make a more educated choice that puts your health and happiness first.

Help It Seems Like The Meat In My Nose Is Coming Out My Nose Piercing I've Never Had Problem With Piercings None Of Them This Is The Only One That Gives Me

Similar to other piercings, a septum piercing may cause infection or scarring. The nasal septum has a high concentration of nerve endings and a significant blood supply, making it a vulnerable location. Pain, swelling, bleeding, and bruising may all result from the piercing procedure itself.

There is also the possibility of infection, which may worsen things if not addressed promptly. An increase in the chance of irritation, inflammation, and pain is also associated with the presence of a foreign item in the nasal cavity.

Healing after a septum piercing might take anything from a few weeks to a few months. During this period, aftercare is essential for avoiding complications and facilitating recovery. Regular cleaning of the piercing site, abstaining from activities that might introduce infection or damage to the region, and not touching or turning the jewelry too much are all important.

Nose Rings For Different Nose Shapes

The healing process may be difficult for certain people because of the presence of jewelry, which may worsen existing health problems like asthma or allergies.

Think about how getting a septum piercing can affect your personal and professional relationships before making the decision to do so. While there has been a shift in how people see body alteration, several professions, and businesses still require employees to adhere to more traditional standards of clothing and hygiene.

Septum piercings, especially when accompanied by flashy or ostentatious jewelry, may not be in keeping with these norms and may limit professional prospects. It’s important to think about how the piercing will be received socially since it has the potential to be a contentious fashion statement.

Nose Piercing Ultimate Guide: What Is It, Benefits, Pros And Cons, Jewelry And More

Septum piercings have the potential to permanently alter the nasal anatomy in certain people. Over time, the cartilage might weaken or distort because to the weight of the jewelry or improper placement of the piercing.

Problems like a deviated septum or a collapsed nose might result from this. These problems are uncommon, but they do exist, and you should know about them before opting to have a septum piercing.

Finally, your own tastes and way of life are important considerations. It’s important to think about how getting a septum piercing might fit into your larger life plans, opportunities for creative expression, and core beliefs.

Septum Piercing: 13 Faqs About Pain, Cost, And More

Keep in mind that whatever is considered trendy at the moment may lose its allure in a few years. In order to make a decision that is authentic to who you are, it is helpful to examine your reasons and explore various means of self-expression.

Some people find septum piercings attractive because of their unique appearance, but before getting one, it’s crucial to weigh the benefits against the hazards. There are a number of issues, including the possible health hazards, the recovery period, the influence on career and social life, the lasting impacts on nasal anatomy, and personal reasons.

When weighing the pros and drawbacks of getting a septum pierce, it’s important to put your own choices for aesthetics and health into perspective.

Nose Piercing: A Guide To Care, Healing, And What To Expect

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Olivia Dancer is an esthetician with 10 years of experience. Olivia specializes in facials, peels, microdermabrasion, and more. She uses only the best products to assist clients have the greatest skin. Olivia relaxes and rejuvenates clients with her soft touch and customer satisfaction.One of the most fashionable ways to upgrade your aesthetics is throughnose piercings. Whether you choose to go with a statement septum ring or a more subtle nostril stud, nose piercing can upgrade your overall look!

Nose piercing will help showcase your personality, and there are tons of ways you can play around when it comes to the placement of nose piercing or jewelry type. Also, there are numerous creative styles and options to choose from, starting from the septum to nostril sparkles and from third eyes to rhinos and more.


Nose Piercing Care

However, as with anything body modification, the decision should be made after carefully considering risks, piercing type, nose anatomy, facial anatomy, and jewelry.

This article will discuss all you need to know about nose piercing to help you make an informed decision. So, without further ado, let’s dig in!

Before we come to the healing part, it’s important to know that you’ll experience some pain during and after the nose piercing. Some people may experience more pain than others, and it also depends on the experience of the professional doing the piercing and the piercing technique used.

Nose Piercing Healing Issues

Initially, there would be some blood, tenderness, swelling, and the affected region may be bruised or look reddish. Typically, the area around the piercing would be sore, inflamed, red, and may even be swollen for up to 3 weeks.

Pierced nostrils take around 3 to 4 months to heal completely. In the case of a pierced septum, the healing process may take a little longer and may take around 4 to 5 months.

To avoid any negative consequences following nose piercing, it’s important to follow a strict nose piercing aftercare routine. Improper and lazy aftercare can lead to painful infection, bleeding, scarring, and loose jewelry.

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It is crucial to take every step possible and follow the aftercare routine provided by your licensed nose piercer, especially to avoid infection.

One of the key aspects of nose piercing aftercare includes cleaning the nose piercing. First things first, clean your hands thoroughly before touching the nose piercing or jewelry. Don’t soak your nose piercing in water, except saline solution, until the nose piercing is healed completely. You can also clean the nose jewelry using mild soap and water, followed by a saline rinse.


Ideally, it would be best to do a saline rinse of your nose piercing twice a day using cotton balls. You can also use tea tree oil to clean the nose piercing, especially if the region is reddish, swollen, or tender.

Yesterday I Woke Up And Impulsively Decided To Get Lip & Nose Piercings!! Don't Know How To Feel About It Now.

The nose ring first pierced when getting the nose piercing done is not exactly the flattering, flashy, or fashionable piece of nose jewelry you will ideally choose. Usually, it is simple nose jewelry made of quality metal and is a bit oversized to avoid allergies, infection, and tissue injuries.

You can’t replace the original jewelry installed during nose piercing until it heals completely. The final healing stage following the nose piercing may take a substantial amount of time, typically around 6 to 8 months, and sometimes even more.

After around six months, you’ll notice that the nose piercing has completely healed with no signs of swelling, redness, bruise, scarring, pain, or inflammation. Also, there won’t be any discomfort or discharge from the nose piercing during this time, signaling it’s a good time to replace your nose piercing jewelry.

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If you’re unsure if it’s a good time to replace the original nose jewelry, visit your nose piercer. They can inspect the nose piercing and tell if it’s the right time to replace the nose piercing. Moreover, your nose piercer would also help you properly insert the new nose jewelry, avoiding any injuries or pain.

It’s important to remember that prematurely replacing your nose piercing can lead to infection and swelling and may even close your nose piercing.

Also, when going in to replace your nose piercing jewelry, it is recommended you choose nose jewelry of the following metals –

Piercing Myths You Probably Believe

The time it takes to get through the actual nose piercing is typically less than a second. When done by an experienced professional, the pain you feel will be minimal. However, do expect mild discomfort and pain during and after the nose piercing.


Don’t worry, though, as when done right, the pain from nose piercing is so mild that it’s hardly noticeable unless you bump on it by mistake.

Don’t show up for nose piercing after consuming a lot of caffeine or on an empty stomach. Also, avoid alcohol before going for a nose piercing.

Everything To Know About Nose Piercings, According To A Pro

The best way to get through the process is to remain calm and breathe deeply to relieve any stress and anxiety you may be going through.

Poor hygiene, weak immune response, improper way of cleaning the piercing site/jewelry, or an allergic reaction are the common reasons why infection may occur following the nose piercing. While some of these causes are not in your hands, you must follow proper hygiene and nose piercing aftercare instructions given by your nose piercer.

With that said, the infection may occur even after you take all the right steps to avoid it. Here are a few ways to treat an infected nose piercing –

How To Sleep With A New Nose Piercing

As complicated as it may sound, nose piercing is a fairly simple procedure, and aftercare is quite straightforward too.Nose piercingsnot only look