Piercing Rook Daith

Rook and daith piercings are great options if you’re going for a more edgy style. However, since they’re both fun ear piercings, making your choice can be tough.

If you’re struggling to choose between the two piercings, this rook vs. daith piercing post will help make your decision easier. We’ll dive into both piercing types, pros and cons, and what to consider when choosing.


A rook piercing is an ear piercing that goes through the top cartilage ridge of the inner ear. It’s located right below the ear’s helix.

Marc's Piercing Notfall Set (rook Daith Septum), € 16,95

Rook and daith are both fine piercing types, and you’ll hardly get a straight answer on which is better. However, knowing the pros and cons of the two piercings can help you decide the best one for you.

💡 Bottom Line: If your uppermost cartilage is thick enough and you want a discrete but unique piercing, a rook piercing might be for you. But if you want a prominent piercing that you can flaunt effortlessly, you’re better off getting a daith piercing.

A rook piercing is protected because your helix covers it. So, you have lower chances of hitting your rook piercing or getting it caught up in your clothing. Rook piercings are also uncommon, so having one makes your style unique.

Piercing Rook Et Daith Or Jaune 18 Carats Avec Boules

Yes, daith piercings have some benefits. For one, they’re are slightly less painful than rook piercings. Some people also believe that daith piercings help them with migraines.

Both types come with a measure of pain because they are cartilage piercings. But many who have a rook and daith piercing find their rook piercing more painful.

A daith piercing usually heals faster, within 6-9 months. Rook piercings may take anywhere between 6-12 months to heal. Your piercing healing time is usually affected by your piercing material, aftercare routine, and your body’s natural healing rate.

Zirkonia Augenbrauen Hantelpiercing

Yes, you can, but it mostly depends on the shape and thickness of your ear. A professional piercer can determine if your ear can accommodate a daith and rook piercing.

💡 Take Note: If you’re getting both, you may want to have them pierced at different times. Getting both piercings simultaneously may be extra painful and harder to heal.

Choosing a rook or daith piercing may leave you with a few more questions. So here are answers to some frequently asked questions.

Crystal Star Daith & Rook Piercing

💡 Our Take: You may feel psychological relief from your migraine because you believe the piercing works (this is called the Placebo effect), but there’s no scientific proof that rook piercings treat migraines.

Because they take longer to heal, rook piercings are prone to infection. You may also experience piercing bumps as your rook piercing heals.


You can protect your rook piercing from infection by cleaning the piercing site with saline solution twice a day and keeping unwashed hands away from it. You should also leave your initial piercing in before changing to hoop earrings.

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While your rook or daith piercing is still fresh, avoid wearing things that weigh on it, including AirPods. But once healed, you can wear AirPods with your rook or daith piercing.

No, you can’t sleep on a new rook piercing. Sleeping on a new rook piercing will place pressure on it, which can irritate the piercing. Until your rook piercing heals, sleep on your other non-pierced ear or your back.

A faux rook piercing is a rook piercing alternative that goes through only the top of your rook ridge. If your ear cartilage is not thick enough for a rook piercing, you can opt for a faux rook piercing.

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Rook piercings hurt because they go through thick cartilage. So they are harder to pierce compared to earlobe or helix piercings. However, if your rook piercing shows other signs of inflammation such as redness and pus exudation, your piercing may be infected.

Daith piercings are slightly less painful and tend to heal faster, while rook piercings are rarer and more unique! And if you’d like to try a different type of piercing, there are many other piercing options you can explore!


You should know: We use affiliate links throughout our site. This means we may earn a cent or two when you make a purchase on our site. Thanks for adding to our shine.So you’ve been thinking about getting a piercing for a while, and your parents said it was okay, so now it all comes down to which one you want to get.

Twin Ball Daith & Rook Piercing

If you’ve already read things you should know before getting a piercing, it’s time to decide the best spot for the new bling.

Check out our guide to ear piercings so you can be a pro walking into the shop. So instead of saying ‘I want one *here*’ gesturing vaguely to a spot on your ear, you can strut in and say, ‘I would like a small stud in my daith please’.

So, conch is the inside part of your ear, and you can get several parts of your conch pierced. Have a look around and figure out if you’d like it higher up or closer to your lobe. You can get a stud here or a larger hoop that wraps around your ear.

G Rose Gold Curved Barbell With 5/16

The tragus is the little curve on the external part of your ear and a pretty popular place to get pierced. You can wear a stud, ring or bar in this part of your ear, but usually when you first get it pierced you’ll get a bar to help it heal.

The helix is the top part of your ear just under the top curve. Usually, people get a small hoop here but you can change it up with all sorts of stoods and rings.


The daith is inside the ear and is a piercing on the innermost cartilage. Be warned, some feel this one is a little more painful because it has to get through a thick piece of your ear.

Daith Earring Daith Piercing 16g Rook Earring Rook Piercing

The rook sits just above the daith in the uppermost ridge of your ear. Once again, this one can be a bit sore due to the thick part of the ear being pierced. However, if you’re good with just a few seconds of pain, you’ll be all good with any of the piercings.

Of course, we all know the standard lobe piercing, and many of us have it done in primary school or at a pretty young age compared to the other piercings. If you’ve already got your lobe but want to add something fun, you can go for the upper lobe, which is just above that standard piercing. That way you get two earrings beside one another which can be super cute with different coloured studs or a long hoop with a li’l stud.

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The photos above are actually from one night. Angles are really important in photos as the bumps are bigger some and not as prominent in others.

My faux rook piercing has been pretty great during week 4. The piercing has been spinning around a lot more often, but it wasn’t a bother. The bumps on my daith didn’t hurt, but I definitely did something since there was then some blood. I kept with the hair drying / drying my ears with the blow dryer after showers and doing the saline mist spray 2x a day. 


My 4 week piercing follow-up appointment on Friday, June 10 was probably the most exciting 15 minutes I had that day. The piercer said that everything looked normal and that my faux rook piercing was ready to be downsized. Downsizing a piercing is putting in a shorter bar so that it won’t move/spin around as much anymore. The part gets pierced with a longer bar to allow room for swelling. The downsizing process felt a bit interesting. The piercing area got cleaned first and then I felt some pressure as the piercer was working on removing the existing bar to put in a shorter bar. The BVLA jewelry on my faux rook is called an end, so if I wanted to switch that jewelry, I can at any time because it’s the bar that is in the hole and the gem/end is to be screwed into the bar. Pretty

Flat / Rook / Daith Piercing