Medical Baby Ear Piercing

Rowan has completely transformed the ear piercing experience for infants, children, and adults alike. Ear piercing for infants is often clinical, simply focusing on safety and efficiency. However, Rowan has created a celebratory medical ear piercing experience, that is not just a milestone for the infant, but for families as well!

Truthfully, it looks similar to any other medical ear piercing we complete! Whether five months old, five years old, or fifteen years old, the process remains the same. We arrive at your home at whatever time works best for you. Being in your home environment already reduces everyone’s stress! 


At this point, nurses often go over the procedure and aftercare instructions. This gives parents and opportunity to ask questions and confirm their selection of Rowan’s hypoallergenic earrings. Luckily, all of Rowan’s ear piercing studs are hypoallergenic, making your choice that much easier!

Ear Piercing For Kids: A Detailed Guide · The Inspiration Edit

Nurses will start by washing our hands, cleaning our piercing device, and donning gloves. We assess baby’s ears, cleanse the front and back of the ear with alcohol, and mark small dots with a single use sharpie. Parents will have the final say on placement. At this point, we will clean the ear again, insert the sterile cartridge into the device, and ask you to hold your baby. Then, it’s time to pierce!

Piercing is not incredibly painful in and of itself, but of course it hurts a bit! The stress that leads up to the experience can definitely contribute to a painful experience. These five tips are designed to reduce stress in your infant (and you!) and make the ear piercing experience a celebratory milestone!

Truthfully, I think what most infants resist is being held tightly for the experience. While there is a tiny pinch, it’s not incredibly painful. While Rowan nurses carry lidocaine to apply to the ears, many parents are apprehensive using any form of medication on their tiny babies. As a mother, I understand the worry and am here to offer you five tips on ear piercing for babies without pain !

Baby Ear Piercing: Parents Weigh In On Piercing An Infant's Ears

Scheduling the piercing at a time when baby is in a playful, alert time is ideal. Trying to pierce a hungry, tired infant can make it much more stressful for baby. However, don’t fret if we arrive and you’re getting ready to feed baby or baby is sleeping! We can work around this and have more tricks up our sleeve to reducing ear piercing pain!

Prior to the actual ear piercing, our nurses are assessing baby’s skin integrity and ideal ear placement. Often times, our nurses encourage families to help by playing with baby, singing songs or nursery rhymes, and playing television or videos! While nurses need parents to hold baby for the ear piercing itself, we try to avoid this prior to the actual piercing. We want this milestone to be filled with happy memories and taking a playful approach helps to create a meaningful, less stressful experience.

Oral stimulation is an important part of child development and can help with calming a baby! Babies have unique preferences, so encouraging whatever they prefer is ideal for reducing pain during the piercing. An older infant might enjoy a snack, while a younger infant may prefer a pacifier. The goal is to provide some form of oral stimulation that will help to calm baby and reduce any discomfort during the ear piercing!

Baby Ear Piercing: Everything You Need To Know

This is probably the least favorite for babies and parents alike, but so important to minimize ear piercing pain! If baby is squirming too much, the entire procedure will take longer and be much more stressful for the entire family. The hold Rowan nurses often use is a seatbelt hold. One hand will be over baby’s arm like a seatbelt, while another hand will be on baby’s head. A firm hold assures that your Rowan nurse is able to pierce quickly and efficiently!

Parents find that baby calms quickly when offered the breast or bottle immediately after piercing. Whether breastfeeding or bottle feeding, baby’s find comfort in drinking their favorite milk right after their ear piercing!

Rowan’s medical ear piercing is designed to be a fun, pain-free, and celebratory experience for every family member! Whether adding a piercing for yourself too, encouraging an older sibling to choose baby’s ear piercing studs, or starting baby’s first earring subscription, Rowan nurses are here to make baby’s experience a memorable and pain-free milestone!Many people think it is cute to have their daughters’ ears pierced and they think it makes them stand out. Some people will choose to get their daughters ears pierced so that they don’t have to hear the question, or at least not as often as before, “Is it a boy or a girl?”


Pediatric Ear Piercing Services Near Me In Frisco, Tx

Another reason why people get their daughters ears pierced when they are babies is because their baby won’t remember it. Also, as an infant, your baby can not take her earrings out of her ears and the chance of the area getting dirty is less, since she won’t be playing in much dirt for a few more months.

Many people get their daughters ears pierced within the first two weeks of life. Others wait until their babies are a few months old.

There isn’t really a “best” time as an infant, but in order to help keep your baby’s hands away from her ears you should probably do it while she is still very little. A three-month-old won’t understand the concept of playing with her ears like a one year old would.

Ear Piercing In A Child

Likewise, a two or three-year-old is more likely to figure out how to take off those pesky adult proof backings leading to her losing one of her earrings.

If you prefer, you can wait until a girl is old enough to want her ears pierced and to care for her ear own lobes and earrings.


Toddlers and pre-schoolers can be challenging because they often won’t sit still, or after piercing one side, refuse to get the other side pierced, so make sure your daughter really wants her ears pierced before you start.

All About Piercing A Baby's Ears

If you are considering piercing your daughter’s ears, please find a trained professional doctor, be diligent about keeping the area clean and see your doctor right away if there are any signs of infection or irritation.

Look for piercing studs without nickel, preferably without any metals. This is especially important if there is a history of irritation or infection with piercings or previous piercings in same spot. I prefer to use medical titanium or nickel free stainless steel. This decreases the risk of irritation and infection later on in life. Of course, all studs must be sterilised. I use a piercing gun with sterile piercing studs.

The different areas of the ear have a different amount of vascularity; for example, the cartilage has less blood flow than the lobe, and that can contribute to how long it takes to heal. Less blood flow equates to a longer healing time. So, a helix piercing, which might take the same amount of time as an earlobe piercing to perform, will take longer to heal and be more sensitive/tender in the morning if you have slept directly on it.

Mom Sparks Backlash For Piercing Newborn's Ears In Hospital

Nobody has perfectly symmetrical earlobes, so when placing the dots, I take accurate measurements, but also look to make sure the holes are visually symmetric or look good. I tell parents that I can hit the dot exactly, so I want them to make sure they like the position of the dots before we go ahead and pierce.


For infants, I prefer to wait 1 1/2 months, but older children and teens can switch out their earrings after 2 months.We now offer medical ear piercing with the doctor-recommended Blomdahl Professional Ear Piercing Program for our immunized patients over 2 months of age (and their mommies too!)

Feel comfortable knowing that the ear piercing is performed by a professional in a safe, clean medical environment. Ear piercing is a medical procedure. The Blomdahl ear piercing system is developed from a medical standpoint, using modern technology and safe materials. It meets all current hygiene and medical requirements.

Painless Ear Piercing

We use sterile, prepackaged piercing studs specifically designed to pierce ears. Conventional ear piercing instruments always come in contact with the customer’s ear and therefore need to be sterilized after each ear is pierced. The Blomdahl system uses sterile disposable cassettes to house the earring – the instrument never comes in contact with the ear!

We use only hypo-allergenic medical-grade plastic (no latex) or titanium (safest metal to use for any invasive medical procedure) products. The earrings and the earring backs included with our kits are made from medical-grade plastic (which contains 0% nickel and 0% latex) or titanium (no nickel or other inferior grade metals). The studs are crystal style (giving the look of a diamond) or a 14K Gold ball, lightweight, with the head of the stud rounded off in the back to ensure maximum air circulation and facilitate healing. All surfaces of the earring are thoroughly polished to make them as smooth as possible to avoid any irritation.

We work with parents to optimize physical and social development. Our goal is to help your child


Common Questions About Baby's Ear Piercing: Answered