Medusa Piercing Tutorial

The Medusa piercing is an upper lip piercing perfect for people who already have some piercings under their Orion’s belt. The Medusa can elegantly balance out snakebites for people who want a set of lip piercings that are to-die-for.

To help you prepare for your hero’s journey to the piercing shop, we’ve compiled a guide of everything you need to know about the Medusa piercing, its price, aftercare, and jewelry.


A Medusa piercing is technically called a philtrum piercing. It’s located in your philtrum, the area is located right above your Cupid’s bow in the center of your upper lip. And, fortunately, your partner can get up close and personal with your Medusa without worrying about you turning them into a statue. At least not with your jewelry.

Second Guessing Myself

A single piercing is the most common, but some folks have double Medusa piercings. That’s when you have one labret is closer to the bottom of your nose and a second piercing closer to your lips. Your piercer will help you determine the best placement for your face.

You don’t have to have King Midas’ golden touch to afford this piercing. But you should be ready to invest in a qualified piercer.

Different piercers will charge based on the jewelry you pick. But, in general, you can expect to spend between $40 and $80 for your new bling.

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From personal experience, I’d rate my Medusa piercing as a 6.5 out of 10 on the pain scale. But this lip piercing does have a somewhat questionable reputation when it comes to how painful it is to get.

If you Google “Medusa piercing, ” you may see that it’s often called the most painful piercing. So, is this pain myth or fact?

Different people have different pain tolerances. So, this piercing can be a nightmare for some and just a sharp pinch for others. But, do expect the piercing to hurt at least a bit because it’s in a sensitive area. As you know from kissing, the lips have lots of nerves, so a piercing can really sting, and your eyes may automatically start to water.

Fake Medusa Piercing

But at the end of the day, a professional piercer will ensure that this piercing is quick and as pain-free as possible.

The swelling should go down in six to eight weeks, but these piercings take two to three months to be fully healed. And many people heal differently.

Even if the outside of your piercing looks like it’s closing up well, the inside of the fistula may still be tender. (A fistula is the actual hole that your piercing goes through. Save that for your next spelling bee!)

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As soon as the swelling has gone down, you can replace your jewelry as long as your piercer gives you the A-okay.

Matt Southwood, professional piercer and tattoo artist from Traditional Tattoo in San Luis Obispo, gives some advice on piercing aftercare in his video below. “Don’t touch your piercing, play with it, or spin it. Keep it as stationary as possible.” Essentially, if a toddler would do it, don’t.


Southwood explains that the Medusa “is in your mouth, so this piercing will get a lot of movement naturally. So don’t spin it with your tongue…be careful when you’re kissing, drinking, or eating.”

Medusa Makeup Tutorial

For cleaning, he recommends avoiding ointment, rubbing alcohol, or witch hazel. Instead, he says, “Use some [unscented] antibacterial soap to lightly wash the front of the piercing.”

Finally, make sure to clean the piercing with a saltwater or saline soak a couple of times a day for the first month or so of your healing. Your piercer can give you more advice about how to properly care for your piercing.

The most annoying part of a Medusa piercing is having the back of the labret bump up against your teeth or tongue. Unfortunately, this is bound to happen during the initial healing period.

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That’s because your piercer will use a longer labret than you technically need because your lip will swell in the first couple of weeks. And, you’ll need a longer piece of jewelry to accommodate that swelling. Think of this first labret as wearing stretchy pants during Thanksgiving dinner – it’s a precaution you’ll be grateful for later on.

After your swelling goes down in a couple of weeks, that longer piercing may become more obtrusive. So after a month or two, you can take that initial 16 gauge, 3/8 labret, and have your piercer insert a 16 gauge, 5/16 piece of jewelry. This size of labret is just a bit smaller, and it’s what most people will wear in their healed Medusa.


Hoops tend to snag when you’re eating, drinking, or smooching. And curved barbells, although some people do opt for them, have a tendency to shift around as you speak, Meaning it may not appear to sit evenly on your lip.

How To Get A Medusa Piercing (with Pictures)

But labrets are a safe bet a drop-dead gorgeous Medusa piercing. From simple diamonds to multi-colored gems, there are tons of options to make your new piercing a true knockout.

Laken Brooks is a writer and freelance editor from rural Appalachia. She's the granddaughter of a water-witcher and a huge fan of historic places and bookstores.

When she's not lesson planning or editing, Laken might be hanging out with her Fulbright or graduate school colleagues, writing for sites like Entropy and Lambda Literary, or eating apple peelings.

Your Guide To Getting A Medusa Piercing

Follow her on Twitter and LinkedIn and feel free to ask her how she was almost abducted by a cult while on a writing retreat in Ireland.

As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. This post may contain affiliate links from Amazon and other sites that we collect a share of sales from.I had wanted this piercing for some time, it looked cute and I wanted more than a septum piercing without going too crazy (I would like to maintain my current job, and all). I never thought much about self-piercing until I had my septum professionally pierced crooked, and then one rainy day sitting on the counter in the bathroom I figured I would re-do it, straighter. I was successful, ever since, I figured I could pretty much be my own professional. One day, i’m sure i’ll put myself through some self-modification mishap, but until then, here’s my tutorial on how to safely, and simply, pierce your own medusa.


STEP 1: Wash your hands and sterilize the needle and retainer with peroxide. Look at random pictures of Medusa piercings on Pinterest to get an idea of the exact location you want your piercing. Mark that location.

Vampire With Her Newly Healed Tongue Piercing

STEP 2: Paper clip (douse it in peroxide for a few seconds)! I used a paper clip in place of forceps, because I was too cheap to purchase forceps and I happen to have a ton of paper clips. Put your lip in the paper clip so that the mark is in the middle of visible portion of the clip. Hold the ice cube over your lip until you don’t even have an ice cube anymore (optional).

STEP 3: Steady the needle over the dot and begin to push into your lip until you hear the initial ‘crunch’ (which you will hear and you may cringe from it, at least, I did), once you hear that one, grip the paper clip and start applying outward pressure while continuously pressing the needle inward, at this point you’ll hear a second crunch, but it isn’t through your lip yet.

Personally, I was really worried about the vein that runs inside your mouth (basically right where this piercing is going to be), and was really winging it and hoping that I didn’t suddenly cause some small scale of internal lip bleeding that made me pass out, because there was no one to find me in such a dramatic scene and take me to the doctor. So, I kept tonguing around where the vein was and felt for the point of the needle right after, since they were in slightly different spots, I figured I was good to go! This made the piercing slightly crooked, but the end result didn’t reflect any crookedness.

Medusa Piercing: Everything You Need To Know

Gripping the paper clip up (so that it holds horizontally, out, also making the needle stand straight up), continue applying steady, downward, pressure on the needle until you see the other half in your mouth (it’ll be obvious).

STEP 4: Pat yourself on the back (then wash your hands again) for getting through all that! Unscrew the ball from your retainer and push the bar piece into the hollow point of the needle so you can push it up and back through your lip with minimal bleeding/scraping/crying (this worked well for me because my retainer is 16G as they usually are, and my needle was 14G, leaving enough room for the retainer to fit snugly inside to push up and through). Now screw the ball on, and take lots of snapchats. Also, put some peroxide on the area.


TIP! I read several articles saying not to smoke right after the piercing (especially within the first three hours of having it pierced), and not to eat or drink certain things, etc. And maybe you shouldn’t, but I did. I folded

Philtrum Piercing By Sweet Licorice Tea On Deviantart