Piercing Your Own Lip

Arguably the most popular placements for lip piercings are along the bottom lip. While the Labret, Vertical Labret and Side Lip are common, there are more unique placements that fall into this category, as well.

This one doesn’t require much explanation because you can find it everywhere, but I love how versatile this placement is in terms of jewelry. Gem studs, silver beads, captive bead rings, and circular barbells all work here, so pick your style! This piercing contours the bottom lip to make it appear full, and it can be as subtle or prominent as you desire. I can tell you from experience that it is low on the pain scale, too.


Named after the jewelry appropriate for this piercing, the traditional Labret is exactly what it sounds like. A flat-backed “stud” is generally worn, with a wide-range of beads, gems, or spikes to choose from.

Titanium Steel Colorful Enamel Butterfly Piercing Lip Ring

Though its name is similar, the Vertical Labret does not use the “stud” that the traditional piercing uses. Instead, this placement requires a curved barbell, which sits with one bead on top of the lower lip, and one beneath it, the barbell resting in center of the lower lip.

This one is, simply put, a Vertical Labret where the bottom bead rests inside the mouth, giving the appearance of a single bead in the center of the lip.

This piercing has more in common with the Vertical Labret than the traditional Labret. Again, a curved barbell is threaded through the center of the bottom lip, this time pierced horizontally through the tissue rather than vertically, so that both beads rest on top. I have heard that this piercing is particularly painful, because the needle passes through such sensitive tissue. Still, it looks awesome.

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You guessed it, this one is also named after the Labret piercing. The difference? It’s just lower. Unlike numbers 3 – 5, this piercing does actually use a labret stud. Okay, I promise we’re done saying that word so much.

Just like the lower side lip, the Monroe has multiple options for jewelry—though the labret stud is typically worn most often. The placement mimics Marilyn Monroe’s beauty mark, which may be why gems and beads are more popular than CBRs and circular barbells. However, rings are perfectly acceptable to wear, should you take a liking to the different aesthetic. There is some debate about whether the left or right sides have different names. Because Marilyn Monroe’s signature beauty mark was on the left side, some piercers have taken to calling the right-hand piercing the Madonna. (Not sure why, since Madonna doesn’t have a beauty mark). Call it what you will, it’s still a cute placement.

This one pinches, and might make your eyes water. The Medusa piercing is placed opposite to the traditional labret and shares the same jewelry. It requires a very skilled hand, because an askew Philtrum piercing is not pretty. Expect your piercer to mark and remark the placement several times before actually doing the job. Trust me, it’s worth your patience.

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This one is like the Vertical Labret of the Medusa piercing. A curved barbell is used, placing one bead in the philtrum and another against the top lip. It is quite rare to find this piercing compared to its lower twin. So, if you’re looking for a new twist on the Vertical Labret, this is the piercing for you! Again, it’s important to make sure this piercing is placed correctly, so that the client’s face remains beautifully symmetrical.


Dahlia gets its name from either the flower, or a heinous crime. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s in reference to the former, considering the gory details of the “Black Dahlia” murder case. Still, even if its name is in poor taste, the piercing itself is a notably rare placement.This instructable is to teach those of you who want to pierce your own lip exactly how to do it. I know many people will tell you it's not 'safe' or 'sanitary', but I've done all my piercings on my own, and pierced my lip twice when I was 13. To this day, I still have my piercings, and I never had an infection or a rejection due to self - piercing. So if you're eager to pierce your own lip and are willing to accept the risks, then let's begin! *Note: I do NOT accept any responsibility for anyone else's actions. If you chose to pierce yourself and something happens, I AM NOT LIABLE. Thanks. :]*

So when I pierced my lip, I had very minimal supplies, and I definitely didn't have professional equipment. So for you to pierce your lip, here's what you will need:

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* Some Type Of Numbing Agent *Optional* (An ice cube or some type of frozen item should work. Personally, I didn't notice any real difference between 'numbing' it and not. I did one side of my lip with ice and one without, and they both felt the same. However, if you feel the ice would help, by all means go for it.)

* Isopropyl Alcohol Or An Alcohol Wipe (I didn't use one, but you should use one to wipe and prep the outside part of your lip that you plan to pierce just to make sure the surface is clean and also to wipe the piercing needle after it has been sterilized.)


* Latex/Nitrile Gloves *Optional* (Like the kind that doctors use. I didn't use any, but it keeps any germs on your hands from soiling your sanitization and sterilization efforts.)

Health Risks Your Lip & Oral Piercings Can Cause — Amy H. See, Dds

* A Sewing Needle/Piercing Earring/Sharp Instrument (I used a piercing earring [an earring that has a sharp point] for one side and a sewing needle for the other side. Personally, I felt the piercing earring was easier because it allows you to skip the step of waiting with the needle in your lip and twisting it to loosen it. You also don't have to worry about pulling the needle out, trying to get the earring in, and worrying about loosing the hole.)

* An Earring (You only need an earring if you are piercing your lip with a needle or anything other than an earring. DO NOT try to put in any kind of body jewelry just yet, as your hole will not be big enough. You need to put in a regular 18 Gauge earring.)

* A Permanent Marker *Optional, But Recommended* (You will use this to mark the place on your lip you plan to pierce to make sure it is where you want it to be. Use a sharpie because if you place the dot on your lip with a regular marker then wipe over it with an alcohol wipe, it will come off.)


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Now that you have everything you need, get to the bathroom or a room with a mirror and a clean surface to lay out your tools.

Grab an alcohol wipe or some hand sanitizer and a clean cloth and wipe down your counter where you are going to lay all your materials. Take your needle/piercing tool, and cover it with hand sanitizer. Then, take the lighter and hold the flame to it for 30 seconds to a minute. Take care not to light your hands on fire or burn yourseld in this process, as the metal will get hot. Lay down your piercing needle/tool on your clean counter. Take your Sharpie or permanent marker (if you have one) and mark the outside of your lip where you plan to pierce it. Then, pull your lip out, and mark the inside, making sure it's lined up with the outside hole as best you can. Wipe your full lip (regardless of where you plan to pierce it) with an alcohol wipe, including the inside part. Yes, wiping the inside of your lip with isopropyl alcohol is safe, it just doesn't taste the best. Next, wash your hands, and if you choose to use gloves, put them on. You are now prepped and ready to go!

If you chose to numb your lip, now is the time to do it. You want to hold the ice/frozen item on the INSIDE part of your lip for it to have any effect. Hold the ice/frozen item on the inside of your lip for about 5-7 minutes, or until you feel comfortable with the level of numbness. Regardless whether you numb your lip, you WILL still feel it, but it's not as bad as most people would think. After your lip is numb, take your piercing tool, and put the point on the dot on the INSIDE of your lip. * If you are using a piercing earring, go from the outside, in. Do everything the same, except reversed. You want to push through the outside of your lip completely through the inside.* You want to pierce your lip from the inside out. It allows the needle to go through more accurately and more smoothly. Hold your lip between your thumb (on the outside part) and your index and middle finger (on the inside with a space between them.) You should be able to see your dot between your

What Is A Labret Piercing? Types, Pain, Cost, Healing, Jewelry, Sizes,