Septum Piercing Bone

The septum piercing today seems as popular as the belly piercing used to be back in the late 90's. Suddenly you see it everywhere, fake and real. Lady gaga is wearing one, as is Rihanna. Each celebrity responsible to make extreme the new mainstream. Now it is a world wide fashion but lets not forget the roots of it. And I am not referring to the punk scene.

The septum piercing is actually the second most common piercing among primitive tribes after the ear piercing. You can trace its history to Native American Indians, Indians, Bengalis as well as African tribes but probably most known for their septum piercings are the Kangi tribes of New Guinea. There to have the septum pierced by a pig's tusk is part of a boys journey towards adulthood, their initiation. In Bangladesh on the other hand  its mainly women wearing the septum as a sign of being married and its made out of gold. 


The septum is also referred to as The Bull's ring piercing as it was sometimes used to break bulls for the farm life. But it does not only need to be rings worn as septum piercings. The Asmat tribe of Irian Jaya used to wear a  septum jewelry called Otsj, which were large and thick bone plugs. 

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However what i find most interesting, is the Australian aboriginals, who wore it to flatten their noses as flat noses in their eyes were the most desirable.

The healing time for septum piercings typically ranges from 6 to 8 weeks, though individual experiences can vary. Proper aftercare practices play a crucial role in expediting the healing process.

High Septum Piercing: Positioned closer to the tip of the nose, the high septum piercing is a subtle twist on the standard, creating a unique and striking aesthetic.

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Septum Clicker Piercing: Featuring a hinged ring that 'clicks' into place, the septum clicker piercing offers a seamless and stylish appearance with ease of use.

Stretched Septum Piercing: For those seeking a more avant-garde look, the stretched septum piercing involves gradually enlarging the hole to accommodate larger jewelry, allowing for creative and bold jewelry choices. Um die Sicherheit der Nutzerdaten zu gewährleisten, werden ältere Versionen deines Webbrowsers von nicht mehr unterstützt. Bitte aktualisiere auf die neueste Version.

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The History Of Piercing: Ears To Genitals And Everything Between

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Black Horn Septum Tusk (14g

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For many people, a septum piercing represents more than just a fashion statement - it can also be a symbol of self expression and rebellion.

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It involves a small hole being pierced through the thin strip of skin in the center of the nose. This area, known as the septum, is often considered a sensitive and intimate part of the body, making it an ideal location for those seeking to make a bold statement with their body art.

A septum piercing can mean different things to different people. For some, it may symbolize a sense of rebellion and nonconformity, as it is a bold and noticeable piercing that goes against traditional beauty standards. It can also represent individuality and self-expression, as the placement of the piercing on the face draws attention to the wearer's unique style and personality.

Others may view this piercing as a form of empowerment, as it requires courage and confidence to make such a visible change to one's appearance. It can also be seen as a way to reclaim control over one's body and challenge societal norms and expectations. 

Bone Septum Tusk

Whether it's a dainty septum ring or a statement septum clicker, this piercing has become a symbol of self-expression and individuality for those seeking to push the boundaries of conventional beauty norms.

The symbolism of this piercing can vary depending on the individual and their personal beliefs and values. For some, it may represent a sense of rebellion and defiance against societal norms and expectations. By choosing to adorn their face with a pierced septum, individuals are making a bold statement that they are unafraid to stand out and challenge conventional beauty standards.


Ultimately, this piercing speaks volumes about the wearer's personality and values. It is a sign of confidence, creativity, and a willingness to break free from the constraints of mainstream beauty standards. Whether you choose to rock a subtle septum ring or a more extravagant piece of jewelry, your pierced septum is sure to turn heads and spark conversations wherever you go. 

Real Bone Nostril/septum Rings

One reason for the popularity of these piercings is their versatility . These piercings can be adorned with a variety of jewelry styles, from dainty rings to intricate clickers, allowing individuals to customize their look and express their personal style. Additionally, the placement of the piercing allows for easy hiding if desired, making it a versatile option for those who may need to conceal their body art for work or other reasons.

People choose to get thesse piercings for a variety of reasons. For some, it may simply be a way to enhance their appearance and express their personal style. The bold and eye-catching nature of these piercings can add an edgy and unique touch to one's overall look, making it a popular choice for those who want to stand out from the crowd.

Beyond septums, nose rings have been a popular form of body modification for centuries in various cultures around the world. In recent years, nose rings have gained popularity in mainstream Western culture as well.

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Piercings have been around for centuries. From tribal traditions to ornate adornment - piercing and body modifications have been an integral part of every culture. Whether it’s rooted in traditions or simply wanting to hop on a new fashion trend, pierced septums have continued to be popular throughout the world and throughout the years.

Popular among tribal communities, septum piercings became a commonplace
